Daan de Graaf

I am a PhD Candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology. I work on support for user-defined graph algorithms in the AvantGraph database.

I am interested in databases and compilers. I like building systems where performance is critical and that are close to the metal.



I presented Graphalg at the annual Dutch-Belgian Database Day, in Ghent. The poster accompanying my presentation may be found here.


Our paper Randomized Testing of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithms was recognized with an ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper award at OOPSLA 2023.


We shipped the first publicly available preview of AvantGraph. It is published as a docker container on our GitHub Container Registry. Get started here.


I have started my work as a doctoral candidate at the TU/e Database group. I will continue my work on the graphalg language for high-performance algorithm support.


I defended my MSc thesis Efficient Execution of User-Provided Graph Algorithms in a Graph Database, and was awarded the Cum Laude distinction.


Our paper Randomized Testing of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithms with Levin N. Winter, Florena Buse, Klaus von Gleissenthall and Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan has been accepted for OOPSLA 2023!


Our blog post Testing consistency of rqlite with Nienke Eijsvogel and Ruben van Baarle was featured on the frontpage of Hacker News.